Dr Thomas Dean

Retired Urological Surgeon


written by Dr Thomas Dean MBBS (UNSW), FRCS (Edin) FRACS (Urol)

Vasectomy has become a popular choice for permanent contraception. However surgical reversal or IVF techniques are available should you later decide to have a further pregnancy.

The vas is the name of the tube that transports sperm from each testis to the urethra within the prostate. The sperm are then combined with seminal fluid prior to ejaculation. The operation involves removing a small segment of the tubes through separate incisions on each side of the scrotum to prevent sperm reaching the seminal fluid. The procedure is called bilateral vasectomy, which does not affect erections, orgasm or ejaculation. There is no effect on male hormone levels or libido.

The operation is performed as a day case procedure either under local or general anaesthesia. The choice of anaesthetic will depend on a number of factors including the past medical history, the examination findings and patient preference. The procedure takes approximately fifteen minutes and discharge is usually within two hours of the surgery. It is important in the post operative period to restrict activities and to wear a firm scrotal support to prevent bruising and swelling, which will delay recovery.

It is also important to understand that it takes up to three months or longer for sperm to clear from the system downstream from where the vas has been divided. It is therefore necessary to have a sperm count performed three months after the operation and have written confirmation from Dr Dean that it is safe to cease contraceptive precautions before doing so.

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Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. The information provided here is for general educational purposes only. Please contact Dr Thomas Dean to find out if a vasectomy is appropriate for your individual situation.
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Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand
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