Dr Thomas Dean

Retired Urological Surgeon

Visit to Institut Urologique Nantes

Koelis transperineal biopsy
Diagram of Koelis transperineal biopsy

Following the World Congress of Endourology in Paris I travelled to Nantes on the west coast of France for further training in Koelis MRI fusion transperineal biopsy. At the Clinique D'Urologie Mr Julien Decanter from Koelis introduced me to Dr Eric Potiron who has enormous experience (approaching 1000 cases) in prostate MRI and targeted biopsy with the 3D Koelis fusion system. In addition to making biopsies more accurate Koelis has facilitated focal therapy for prostate cancer in selected cases using laser and focused ultrasound. In other French centres the Koelis system is used with electroporation, cryotherapy and radiotherapy for focal therapy. Currently the only Koelis system in Australia is at the Sydney Adventist Hospital.