Dr Thomas Dean

Retired Urological Surgeon

Visit to Clinica Cemtra in Madrid

Dr Thomas Dean with Dr Fernando Gomes Sancha
With Dr Fernando Gomes Sancha - Clinica Cemtra

In September of last year I visited the Clinica Cemtra in Northern Madrid to meet with Dr Fernando Gomes Sancha who is one of the world’s leading experts in green light laser prostatectomy. I was fortunate to be shown the new technique of prostate enucleation using the green light system. He expertly enucleated a very large prostate followed by morcellation to remove the tissue, completing the operation in less than one hour.

Fernando was the ultimate host and Caroline and I were treated to a wonderful late night dinner and to one of his passions, a fantastic flamenco performance.

I was pleased to learn that Fernando will be coming to the Sydney Adventist Hospital in May of this year to demonstrate his technique at the green light laser symposium convened by Henry Woo. As in previous years I will be participating in the running of the symposium.